House Binding Mantra 2
Language : Nepali

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हरे बाबु बैकुण्ठ,
कहाँ उब्जाऊ, कहाँ सिर्जाऊ, भन्न लागेछन्,
यिनी महादेवले बैकुण्ठ,
कसका हात, कसका साथ उब्जाऊ, भन्न लागेछन्,
राम, लक्ष्मण दुई भाइका हातसाथ उब्जाऊ,
सीतापार्वता दुई बैनीका हात उब्जाऊ, भन्न लागेछन्,
यिनी बैकुण्ठका बीउ कुम्मिरा{{957}} घरमा रहेछन्,
हरे बाबा, आफैं महादेवले,
बैकुण्ठका बीउ कुम्मिराका घरमा छन्,
जाऊ त्यहाँ जाऊ, काली भडेर्नी,
लिस्नेपिस्ने पुन, भन्न लागेछन्,
हाँक्न माग्न सकेनछन्,
ताँवेढुक्कुरले, ताँवेढुक्कुरले,
ताँवेढुक्कुरले हरे बाबा महादेव, म जान्छु भनेछन्,
जाऊ ताँवेढुक्कुर, कुम्मिराको घरमा गई,
भँडारखण्डमा, अगिनका ज्वाला उठाइलेऊ,
खलो आँगनमा, इमा धुरोचन, पिमा धुरोचन,{{958}}
तिमीले काली जौका बीउ, सेती जौका बीउ,
सात सतब्यूका बीउचन,
खप्पुखप्पु खाई, उपल्ला मान्यु लेई,
महादेवका हातसाथ देऊ, भन्न लागेछन्,
ताँवेढुक्कुर तल्ला मान्यु गई,
कुम्मिराका घरका खला आँगनमा,
इमा धुर, पिमा धुर देखेछन्,
काली जौका बीउ, सेती जौका बीउ देखेछन्,
कुम्मिराका घरमा गई, भँडारखण्ड पसी,
अगिनका ज्वाला उठाइलिएछन्,
हरे कुम्मिर, तिम्रा घरमा,
अगिनका ज्वाला उठ्यो, भन्न लागेछन्,
कुम्मिरा उठी, अगिन माग्न गएछन्,
ताँवेढुक्कुरले इमा धुर, पिमा धुर,
काली जौ, सेती जौ, सात सतब्यूका बीउ,
खप्पुखप्पु खाई, उपल्ला मान्यु रोसीभासी,
फेर्दैडाली, चर्दै आएछन्,
सुद्घि नभएका, बुद्घि नभएका,
लिस्नेपिस्ने पुन, लिस्नेपिस्ने पुन, काली भनेन यिन्ले,
सुनका गुलेली, रुपका मटेङ्ग्रीले, हानी मारिदिएछन्,
प्राण छुट्ने, प्राण छुट्ने बेला,
हरे महादेव बैकुण्ठ भन्दै प्राण छुटाएछन्,
आफैं काली भडेर्नीले पनि,
उनी महादेवले बैकुण्ठ भन्दै थियो,
आफैं महादेवलाई डकाई बोलाई लिएछन्,
थक्क मचकन, यिनी ताँवेढुक्कुरले बैकुण्ठका बीउ लिन गएकाछन्,
हान्ने मार्ने पर्ने थिइन भनी, हातसाथ लिएछन्,
हातसाथ लिएछन्, फोरी हेर्दा इमा धुर, पिमा धुरका बीउ,
काली जौ, सेती जौ, सात सतब्यू थियो,
हातसाथ लिई, हातसाथ लिई,
मथुरीबारीमा, जौ उब्जाएछन्,
तिलाबारीमा तिल उब्जाऊँ भन्न लागेछन्,
कोही ता माटा धुलाएछन्,
सीतापार्वता दुई बैनीले लगन जुराएछन्,
कसका हात उब्जाऊँ, कसका साथ उब्जाऊँ, भन्दा,
राम, लक्ष्मण दुई भाइका हात उब्जाऊँ,
सीतापार्वता दुई बैनीका साथ उब्जाऊँ, भनी,
भदौ महिनामा मगरुको जातलाई आफैं महादेवले,
दोधारे बञ्चरो लौ, कालीभौंजाल फानफुन गर, भनी,
भदौ महिनामा हातसाथ लिएछन्,
मगरुको जातले भदौ महिनामा फानफुन गर्‍यो,
असजोको महिनामा पोलजाल गर्‍यो,
कात्तिकका महिनामा जोतखन गरौं, भन्न लागेछन्,
केले जोतम्{{959}}, केले खनम्{{960}}, भन्न लागेछन्,
आफैं महादेवले भिउँभँडार पुगि, हनुमान बिर समाई,
हलि हौला कि भनेछन्, म हली हुन सक्दैन, भनेछन्,
राम, लक्ष्मण दुई भाइलाई हली बनाएछन्,
सीतापार्वता दुई बैनीलाई हलिनी बनाएछन्,
बनाएछन्, हरे बाबा महादेवले केको गोरु,
केको नारा, केको जोतारो,
केको सोइला, फेट्कुली बनाम् कि,
केको हलो बनाम्, भन्न लागेछन्,
बनाम्, भन्न लागेछन्,
सिउँडी हरिस, तुसाराको हलो बनाउन लागेछन्,
आँसुलेबाँसुले, भेतले खाइ मरेका,
बाह्र मसानका हाडी झिकी,
सोइला फिट्कुली बनाएछन्,
औंठा झिकी, हत्केली झिकी,
अनौ बनाएछन्, भयाकताका पेट हालेछन्,
पूर्व हर फर्की, एक फरियो,{{961}}
पश्‍चिम हर फर्की, एक फरियो,
उत्तर हर फर्की, एक फरियो,
दक्खिन हर फर्की, एक फरियो,{{962}}
चार दिशा फर्की, चार फरियो लाएछन्,
आफैं महादेवले बाचा बान्न लागेछन्,
माछे माता खाने चीज भए,
इमा धुर, पिमा धुर, तिमी बैकुण्ठ, एक साथ, एक साथमा,
जिमी फोरिकन, मनुष्यका नजर आए,
एक महिनामा, हलहल,
दुई महिनामा, मलमल,
तीन महिनामा, माथि चड्न लागे,
चार महिनामा, बेउली पसे,
पाँच महिनामा, बेउली फुटे,
छै महिनामा, घारघारे,
सात महिनामा, यिनी इमा धुर, पिमा धुरले,
खैरे आँखा, रातो जुँगा गराएछन्,
गराएछन्, सात पनि सर्स्यूंले सुनवर्णका,
सुनवर्णका, फूल फुली,
महादेववर्णका फल लगाएछन्,
ल यी केले काटम्{{963}} भनी,
सूर्यगरन, चन्द्रगरन लाग्दा,
तिखु कामीलाई, धूरकोटे फलामका,
खुर्मली बनाऊ, भन्न लागेछन्,
आफैं तिखु कामी, कालीभौंजाल पसी,
काउलीकटौंजीका गोल पोलेछ र,
कालीपातलको लालीगुराँसको— लालीगुराँसको सुनढोठरीमा— सुनढोठरीमा,
सुनढोठरीमा गतकोसे धार{{964}}, मजुरपोखे पाइन बनाई,
खुर्मली— खुर्मली बनाई, सीतापार्वताका हातसाथ दिएछन्,
सीतापार्वता दुई बैनीले काटिकुटी,
काटिकुटी, कामधेनुगाईका गोबर लेई,
लिपछस् गरी रास हालेछन्,
आफैं महादेवलाई— रास हालेछन् आफैं महादेवलाई डकाई बोलाई लिया,
हरे महादेव, कसरी कलाम्, कसरी बताम्, भन्दाखेरि,
आफैं महादेवले बाघबघेनी समाई,
गोरु बनाएछन्,
खोप्री बनको गजिङबार, मालिङबारका,
चारकुनेसुपो सुपो लेई,
सुपो लेई, सीतापार्वताका हातमा दिएछन्,
चार कुना लिपी, रातो भाले काटी,
रक्तका फान, चौ दुवा चुराएछन्, चुराएछन्,
बाघबघेनी, पैंयाका निगलरि{{965}},
बाघबघेनी नारी, दाइँ हालेछन्,
पूर्वका सह लेऊ, पश्‍चिमका सह लेऊ,
उत्तरका सह लेऊ, दक्खिनका सह लेऊ,
सह लेऊ भनी कुराले , खुरले मिची, पुच्छरले डोलाई,
सिंहले कलाइ, कलाइ बताइ गर्न लागेछन्,
चार कुने सुपामा ठहराएछन्,{{966}} नौ मुरीका रास,
रास बनाई आफैं महादेवलाई डकाइ बोलाइ ल्याएछन्,
लौ महादेव, नौ मुरीका रास भयो, भनी,
आफैं महादेव आई, नौ मुरीका रासमा हात हालेछन्,
महादेवले नौ मुरीका रास हात हालेछन्,
हातसाथ लिएछन्, अकासघर उडाएछन्,
नौ सुर्जका बाण गिराएछन्, पतालघर हानेछन्,
जिमीका ज्वाला उडाएछन्,
आफैं महादेवले कदम चाल्न रच्न लागेछन्,
हरे महादेवले एक कदम उत्पन्न गरे पैंयाका लट्ठी,
दुई कदम उत्पन्न गरे लुहा— दुई कदम उत्पन्न गरे बेतका डण्डी,
तीन कदम उत्पन्न गरे लुहाका गन्जी,
पैंयाका लट्ठी, काजा उही कहाँ पुगे,
हान्नेबान्ने, गुणीज्ञानी, जैसी झाँकरी,
जैसी झाँकरी, काठजरी, पानीमूल,
झजल्काउने, बिजल्काउने,
यसो पट्टि खेल्ने डाँडाघरका गैराभुत,
छन्दोबन्दो गरम्, भन्न लागेछन्,
दुई कदम उत्पन्न गरे बेतका डण्डी,
बेतका डण्डी उत्पन्न गरे,
हालापोखरीको गौरीबेत लिए,
बेतका डण्डी लिए, यिनी मुख मन्तर्नी,
कक्सेनीबोक्सेनी, अङ्केनीडङ्केनी,
छौडेनी उल्टा बिल्टा,
उल्टा बिल्टा ज्ञान सिप्पे, ज्ञान बिप्फे पारेछन्,
बिप्फे ज्ञान सिप्पे पारेछन्,
तीन कदम उत्पन्न— उत्पन्न गराएछन्, लुहाका गन्जी,
लुहाका गन्जी लिए, यिनी लुहाका गन्जी,
कहाँ जाई, कहाँ पुगाई भन्न लागेछन्,
यस गृहका, यसै गृहका,
कुलकुलान, देउ पित्र,
देउ पित्र, धारेमष्ट, धुरेमष्ट,
सात खिल, सात टाँस मारेछन्,
भसम् रिखी पारेछन्,
एकाली बाचा, दुहाली बाचा, तीन तेलीका बाचा,
गुरुका शक्ति, मेरा भक्ति,
श्री महादेवकी बाचा॥
"Lord, Father, Baikuṇṭa,
where was it grown, where was it created?" begins to say.
"This by Mahādev, Baikuṇṭa."
"By whose hand, at whose stand did it grow?" begins to say.
"Rām, Lakṣmaṇ, two brothers' hand, at their stand it grew.
Sītā, Pārvatā, two sisters' hand, at their stand it grew," begins to say.
"These seeds of Baikuṇṭa, are in Kummirā's house,
Lord, Father!" Mahādev himself:
"Baikuṇṭa's seeds, are in Kummirā's house,
go there, go, O Blacky Stewardess,
O Miser-slanderer Pun," begins to say.
"You cannot request them directly."
Coppery Dove, Coppery Dove,
Coppery Dove said, "Lord, Father, Mahādev, I will go!"
"Go then, Coppery Dove, go to Kummirā's house,
in the storeroom, scatter the hearth's flame.
In the threshing courtyard, elder imā dhuro, elder pimā dhuro,
you, black barley seeds, white barley seeds,
elder seeds of seven seeds of truth,
swallow them whole, bring back to the upper world,
give them to Mahādev's hand, to his stand," begins to say.
Coppery Dove, went to the lower world.
In the threshing courtyard of Kummirā's house,
she saw imā dhur, pimā dhur,
saw black barley seeds, white barley seeds,
went into Kummirā's house, entered the storeroom,
scattered the hearth's flame.
"Lord! Kummirā, in your house,
the hearth's flame has been scattered," begins to say.
Kummirā got up, went to request fire.
Coppery Dove, imā dhur, pimā dhur,
seeds of black barley, white barley, seeds of seven seeds of truth,
she swallowed them whole, rushed back to the upper world,
hopping from branch to branch.
Lacking sense, lacking insight,
Miser-slanderer Pun, Miser-slanderer Pun, not identifying her as Blacky,
with a golden slingshot, a silver pellet, struck and killed her.
As her life departed, as her life departed:
"Lord! Mahādev Baikuṇṭa's command causes me to lose my life."
Blacky Stewardess herself as well,
Mahādev Baikuṇṭa commanded her,
Mahādev himself he sought, he brought.
"Damn this! This Coppery Dove, went to get Baikuṇṭa's seeds,
you can't just strike and kill her," saying, took her in hand. [break]
Took her in hand, splitting her open, imā dhur, pimā dhur,
seeds of black barley, white barley, seven seeds of truth were there.
He took them in hand, took them in hand.
In Mathurī Field, he planted barley,
in Sesame Field, he planted sesame.
Who broke up the clods?  
Sītā, Pārvatā, two sisters, leveled the field.
"By whose hand did they sprout, at whose stand did they sprout?" saying,
by Rām, Lakṣmaṇ, two brothers' hand they sprouted,
at Sītā, Pārvatā, two sisters' stand they sprouted.
In the month of Bhadau, to the Magars, Mahādev himself:
"Take a double-bladed axe, cut down Dark Thicket," saying,
in the month of Bhadau, they take it in hand,
the Magars in the month of Bhadau cut it down.
In the month of Asoj, they burned it off.
"In the month of Kārtik, plow it," began to say.
"Who will plow, who will dig?" began to say.
Mahādev himself went to the seed storage, grabbed Hanumān Warrior.
"Will you plow?" he asked. "I cannot plow," he said.
Rām, Lakṣmaṇ, two brothers, he made the plowmen.
Sītā, Pārvatā, two sisters, he made the plowwomen.
He made them. Lord, Father, Mahādev: "What kind of oxen,
what kind of plow, what kind of yoke,
what kind of yoking rope? What kind of side yoke bars shall we make?
what kind of rear wedge shall we make?" began to say.
"Make them," began to say.
He began to make a fish-poisonwood plowbeam, a frostwood plow,
weepers, creepers, those consumed by the Veda,
of twelve dead souls, taking out their bones,
made side yoke bars, a rear wedge,
taking out their fingers, taking out their palms,
made a handle, put in a frog's stomach,
turning the plow east, one furrow,
turning the plow west, one furrow,
turning the plow north, one furrow,
turning the plow south, one furrow,
turning the plow in four directions, made four furrows.
Mahādev himself made a protective oath:
"By the true mother, may this be something to eat,
imā dhur, pimā dhur, you, Baikuṇṭa, together, all together."
Opening the earth, human eyes appeared,
in one month, it was nourished,
in two months, it flourished,
in three months, it branched,
in four months, formed kernels,
in five months, the kernels split,
in six months, they thickened,
in seven months, this, imā dhur, pimā dhur,
grew brown eyes, red tassels,
grew them, and at seven as well, the mustard was of golden hue,
of golden hue, the flowers flowered,
of Mahādev's coppery hue, it ripened.
"So, with what shall we cut it?" asking;
"During a solar eclipse, during a lunar eclipse,"
to Sharp-eyed Blacksmith: "Of Dhūrkoṭ iron,
make a sickle," began to say.
Sharp-eyed Blacksmith himself, entering Dark Thicket,
burned charcoal of leafy chestnut,
a golden bucket of Dark Copse rhododendron,
putting an edge to it, tempered it to the peacock wing temper,
made a sickle, gave it to Sītā, Pārvatā, two sisters' hand, stand;
Sītā, Pārvatā, two sisters harvested it.
Harvested it and bringing dung from Bounteous Cow,
smearing the threshing floor, they spread it out,
[corrects an error in the previous line:] They spread plenty. Mahādev himself they sought, they brought.
"Lord! Mahādev, how shall we thresh, how shall we winnow?" saying,
Mahādev himself, grabbing hold of a tiger, a tigress,
made them the oxen.
Of Deep Forest, cane, reed,
bringing a four-cornered winnowing tray,
brought it and gave it to Sītā Pārvatā's hands.
Smearing four corners, sacrificing a red cock,
spread the spurt of blood at the four crossroads.
Tiger, tigress, with a cherrywood threshing post,
yoking tiger, tigress, they threshed.
"Of the east, be plentiful, of the west, be plentiful,
of the north, be plentiful, of the south, be plentiful."
Be plentiful! Hooves thrashing, tails lashing,
horns flashing, they began to thresh, to winnow.
In a four-cornered winnowing tray, they totaled nine bushels.
Mahādev himself they sought, they brought.
"Here, Mahādev, there are a total of nine bushels," saying,
Mahādev himself came, took all nine bushels in hand. [break for tea]
Mahādev took all nine bushels in hand,
taking them in hand, to his stand, he ascended to the sky house,
applied barbs of the nine suns, put them in deep earth house,
ascended the earth's flame,
Mahādev himself, taking a step, set the method.
Lord! Mahādev taking one step, established the cherrywood staff,
taking a second step, established the cane [corrected from 'iron'] wand,
taking a third step, established the iron mace.
"Where, how far, did the cherrywood staff reach?"
Strikers, binders, skilled ones, clever ones, astrologers, shamans,
astrologers, shamans, wood roots dwellers, water forces,
restless inciters, trouble inviters,
playing on this side, the ridge home's valley ghost.
"Restrain, constrain them!" begins to say,
taking a second step, established the cane wand,
established the cane wand,
brought pale cane of Exhausted Pond,
brought a cane wand, this, mouth applying spell,
small witches, great witches, fearful quick witches, dead witches,
backward and forward witch familiars,
acts of forward cleverness, backward cleverness,
backward cleverness is made straight.
Established in three steps, wand of iron,
brought the wand of iron. "This, wand of iron,
where, how far does it reach?" began to say.
Of this house, of this very home,
ancestral wraiths, family gods,
Blood-drinking Maṣṭa, Grain-eating Maṣṭa,
seven spike, seven spanners embed,
a line of ashes spread.
One level of oaths, two levels of oaths, three levels of oaths,
guru's divine might, my devoted insight,
oath of Honorable Mahādev!
S1 stop écouter
हरे बाबु बैकुण्ठ,

"Lord, Father, Baikuṇṭa,

S2 stop écouter
कहाँ उब्जाऊ, कहाँ सिर्जाऊ, भन्न लागेछन्,

where was it grown, where was it created?" begins to say.

S3 stop écouter
यिनी महादेवले बैकुण्ठ,

"This by Mahādev, Baikuṇṭa."

S4 stop écouter
कसका हात, कसका साथ उब्जाऊ, भन्न लागेछन्,

"By whose hand, at whose stand did it grow?" begins to say.

S5 stop écouter
राम, लक्ष्मण दुई भाइका हातसाथ उब्जाऊ,

"Rām, Lakṣmaṇ, two brothers' hand, at their stand it grew.

S6 stop écouter
सीतापार्वता दुई बैनीका हात उब्जाऊ, भन्न लागेछन्,

Sītā, Pārvatā, two sisters' hand, at their stand it grew," begins to say.

S7 stop écouter
यिनी बैकुण्ठका बीउ कुम्मिरा{{957}} घरमा रहेछन्,

"These seeds of Baikuṇṭa, are in Kummirā's house,

S8 stop écouter
हरे बाबा, आफैं महादेवले,

Lord, Father!" Mahādev himself:

S9 stop écouter
बैकुण्ठका बीउ कुम्मिराका घरमा छन्,

"Baikuṇṭa's seeds, are in Kummirā's house,

S10 stop écouter
जाऊ त्यहाँ जाऊ, काली भडेर्नी,

go there, go, O Blacky Stewardess,

S11 stop écouter
लिस्नेपिस्ने पुन, भन्न लागेछन्,

O Miser-slanderer Pun," begins to say.

S12 stop écouter
हाँक्न माग्न सकेनछन्,

"You cannot request them directly."

S13 stop écouter
ताँवेढुक्कुरले, ताँवेढुक्कुरले,

Coppery Dove, Coppery Dove,

S14 stop écouter
ताँवेढुक्कुरले हरे बाबा महादेव, म जान्छु भनेछन्,

Coppery Dove said, "Lord, Father, Mahādev, I will go!"

S15 stop écouter
जाऊ ताँवेढुक्कुर, कुम्मिराको घरमा गई,

"Go then, Coppery Dove, go to Kummirā's house,

S16 stop écouter
भँडारखण्डमा, अगिनका ज्वाला उठाइलेऊ,

in the storeroom, scatter the hearth's flame.

S17 stop écouter
खलो आँगनमा, इमा धुरोचन, पिमा धुरोचन,{{958}}

In the threshing courtyard, elder imā dhuro, elder pimā dhuro,

S18 stop écouter
तिमीले काली जौका बीउ, सेती जौका बीउ,

you, black barley seeds, white barley seeds,

S19 stop écouter
सात सतब्यूका बीउचन,

elder seeds of seven seeds of truth,

S20 stop écouter
खप्पुखप्पु खाई, उपल्ला मान्यु लेई,

swallow them whole, bring back to the upper world,

S21 stop écouter
महादेवका हातसाथ देऊ, भन्न लागेछन्,

give them to Mahādev's hand, to his stand," begins to say.

S22 stop écouter
ताँवेढुक्कुर तल्ला मान्यु गई,

Coppery Dove, went to the lower world.

S23 stop écouter
कुम्मिराका घरका खला आँगनमा,

In the threshing courtyard of Kummirā's house,

S24 stop écouter
इमा धुर, पिमा धुर देखेछन्,

she saw imā dhur, pimā dhur,

S25 stop écouter
काली जौका बीउ, सेती जौका बीउ देखेछन्,

saw black barley seeds, white barley seeds,

S26 stop écouter
कुम्मिराका घरमा गई, भँडारखण्ड पसी,

went into Kummirā's house, entered the storeroom,

S27 stop écouter
अगिनका ज्वाला उठाइलिएछन्,

scattered the hearth's flame.

S28 stop écouter
हरे कुम्मिर, तिम्रा घरमा,

"Lord! Kummirā, in your house,

S29 stop écouter
अगिनका ज्वाला उठ्यो, भन्न लागेछन्,

the hearth's flame has been scattered," begins to say.

S30 stop écouter
कुम्मिरा उठी, अगिन माग्न गएछन्,

Kummirā got up, went to request fire.

S31 stop écouter
ताँवेढुक्कुरले इमा धुर, पिमा धुर,

Coppery Dove, imā dhur, pimā dhur,

S32 stop écouter
काली जौ, सेती जौ, सात सतब्यूका बीउ,

seeds of black barley, white barley, seeds of seven seeds of truth,

S33 stop écouter
खप्पुखप्पु खाई, उपल्ला मान्यु रोसीभासी,

she swallowed them whole, rushed back to the upper world,

S34 stop écouter
फेर्दैडाली, चर्दै आएछन्,

hopping from branch to branch.

S35 stop écouter
सुद्घि नभएका, बुद्घि नभएका,

Lacking sense, lacking insight,

S36 stop écouter
लिस्नेपिस्ने पुन, लिस्नेपिस्ने पुन, काली भनेन यिन्ले,

Miser-slanderer Pun, Miser-slanderer Pun, not identifying her as Blacky,

S37 stop écouter
सुनका गुलेली, रुपका मटेङ्ग्रीले, हानी मारिदिएछन्,

with a golden slingshot, a silver pellet, struck and killed her.

S38 stop écouter
प्राण छुट्ने, प्राण छुट्ने बेला,

As her life departed, as her life departed:

S39 stop écouter
हरे महादेव बैकुण्ठ भन्दै प्राण छुटाएछन्,

"Lord! Mahādev Baikuṇṭa's command causes me to lose my life."

S40 stop écouter
आफैं काली भडेर्नीले पनि,

Blacky Stewardess herself as well,

S41 stop écouter
उनी महादेवले बैकुण्ठ भन्दै थियो,

Mahādev Baikuṇṭa commanded her,

S42 stop écouter
आफैं महादेवलाई डकाई बोलाई लिएछन्,

Mahādev himself he sought, he brought.

S43 stop écouter
थक्क मचकन, यिनी ताँवेढुक्कुरले बैकुण्ठका बीउ लिन गएकाछन्,

"Damn this! This Coppery Dove, went to get Baikuṇṭa's seeds,

S44 stop écouter
हान्ने मार्ने पर्ने थिइन भनी, हातसाथ लिएछन्,

you can't just strike and kill her," saying, took her in hand. [break]

S45 stop écouter
हातसाथ लिएछन्, फोरी हेर्दा इमा धुर, पिमा धुरका बीउ,

Took her in hand, splitting her open, imā dhur, pimā dhur,

S46 stop écouter
काली जौ, सेती जौ, सात सतब्यू थियो,

seeds of black barley, white barley, seven seeds of truth were there.

S47 stop écouter
हातसाथ लिई, हातसाथ लिई,

He took them in hand, took them in hand.

S48 stop écouter
मथुरीबारीमा, जौ उब्जाएछन्,

In Mathurī Field, he planted barley,

S49 stop écouter
तिलाबारीमा तिल उब्जाऊँ भन्न लागेछन्,

in Sesame Field, he planted sesame.

S50 stop écouter
कोही ता माटा धुलाएछन्,

Who broke up the clods?  

S51 stop écouter
सीतापार्वता दुई बैनीले लगन जुराएछन्,

Sītā, Pārvatā, two sisters, leveled the field.

S52 stop écouter
कसका हात उब्जाऊँ, कसका साथ उब्जाऊँ, भन्दा,

"By whose hand did they sprout, at whose stand did they sprout?" saying,

S53 stop écouter
राम, लक्ष्मण दुई भाइका हात उब्जाऊँ,

by Rām, Lakṣmaṇ, two brothers' hand they sprouted,

S54 stop écouter
सीतापार्वता दुई बैनीका साथ उब्जाऊँ, भनी,

at Sītā, Pārvatā, two sisters' stand they sprouted.

S55 stop écouter
भदौ महिनामा मगरुको जातलाई आफैं महादेवले,

In the month of Bhadau, to the Magars, Mahādev himself:

S56 stop écouter
दोधारे बञ्चरो लौ, कालीभौंजाल फानफुन गर, भनी,

"Take a double-bladed axe, cut down Dark Thicket," saying,

S57 stop écouter
भदौ महिनामा हातसाथ लिएछन्,

in the month of Bhadau, they take it in hand,

S58 stop écouter
मगरुको जातले भदौ महिनामा फानफुन गर्‍यो,

the Magars in the month of Bhadau cut it down.

S59 stop écouter
असजोको महिनामा पोलजाल गर्‍यो,

In the month of Asoj, they burned it off.

S60 stop écouter
कात्तिकका महिनामा जोतखन गरौं, भन्न लागेछन्,

"In the month of Kārtik, plow it," began to say.

S61 stop écouter
केले जोतम्{{959}}, केले खनम्{{960}}, भन्न लागेछन्,

"Who will plow, who will dig?" began to say.

S62 stop écouter
आफैं महादेवले भिउँभँडार पुगि, हनुमान बिर समाई,

Mahādev himself went to the seed storage, grabbed Hanumān Warrior.

S63 stop écouter
हलि हौला कि भनेछन्, म हली हुन सक्दैन, भनेछन्,

"Will you plow?" he asked. "I cannot plow," he said.

S64 stop écouter
राम, लक्ष्मण दुई भाइलाई हली बनाएछन्,

Rām, Lakṣmaṇ, two brothers, he made the plowmen.

S65 stop écouter
सीतापार्वता दुई बैनीलाई हलिनी बनाएछन्,

Sītā, Pārvatā, two sisters, he made the plowwomen.

S66 stop écouter
बनाएछन्, हरे बाबा महादेवले केको गोरु,

He made them. Lord, Father, Mahādev: "What kind of oxen,

S67 stop écouter
केको नारा, केको जोतारो,

what kind of plow, what kind of yoke,

S68 stop écouter
केको सोइला, फेट्कुली बनाम् कि,

what kind of yoking rope? What kind of side yoke bars shall we make?

S69 stop écouter
केको हलो बनाम्, भन्न लागेछन्,

what kind of rear wedge shall we make?" began to say.

S70 stop écouter
बनाम्, भन्न लागेछन्,

"Make them," began to say.

S71 stop écouter
सिउँडी हरिस, तुसाराको हलो बनाउन लागेछन्,

He began to make a fish-poisonwood plowbeam, a frostwood plow,

S72 stop écouter
आँसुलेबाँसुले, भेतले खाइ मरेका,

weepers, creepers, those consumed by the Veda,

S73 stop écouter
बाह्र मसानका हाडी झिकी,

of twelve dead souls, taking out their bones,

S74 stop écouter
सोइला फिट्कुली बनाएछन्,

made side yoke bars, a rear wedge,

S75 stop écouter
औंठा झिकी, हत्केली झिकी,

taking out their fingers, taking out their palms,

S76 stop écouter
अनौ बनाएछन्, भयाकताका पेट हालेछन्,

made a handle, put in a frog's stomach,

S77 stop écouter
पूर्व हर फर्की, एक फरियो,{{961}}

turning the plow east, one furrow,

S78 stop écouter
पश्‍चिम हर फर्की, एक फरियो,

turning the plow west, one furrow,

S79 stop écouter
उत्तर हर फर्की, एक फरियो,

turning the plow north, one furrow,

S80 stop écouter
दक्खिन हर फर्की, एक फरियो,{{962}}

turning the plow south, one furrow,

S81 stop écouter
चार दिशा फर्की, चार फरियो लाएछन्,

turning the plow in four directions, made four furrows.

S82 stop écouter
आफैं महादेवले बाचा बान्न लागेछन्,

Mahādev himself made a protective oath:

S83 stop écouter
माछे माता खाने चीज भए,

"By the true mother, may this be something to eat,

S84 stop écouter
इमा धुर, पिमा धुर, तिमी बैकुण्ठ, एक साथ, एक साथमा,

imā dhur, pimā dhur, you, Baikuṇṭa, together, all together."

S85 stop écouter
जिमी फोरिकन, मनुष्यका नजर आए,

Opening the earth, human eyes appeared,

S86 stop écouter
एक महिनामा, हलहल,

in one month, it was nourished,

S87 stop écouter
दुई महिनामा, मलमल,

in two months, it flourished,

S88 stop écouter
तीन महिनामा, माथि चड्न लागे,

in three months, it branched,

S89 stop écouter
चार महिनामा, बेउली पसे,

in four months, formed kernels,

S90 stop écouter
पाँच महिनामा, बेउली फुटे,

in five months, the kernels split,

S91 stop écouter
छै महिनामा, घारघारे,

in six months, they thickened,

S92 stop écouter
सात महिनामा, यिनी इमा धुर, पिमा धुरले,

in seven months, this, imā dhur, pimā dhur,

S93 stop écouter
खैरे आँखा, रातो जुँगा गराएछन्,

grew brown eyes, red tassels,

S94 stop écouter
गराएछन्, सात पनि सर्स्यूंले सुनवर्णका,

grew them, and at seven as well, the mustard was of golden hue,

S95 stop écouter
सुनवर्णका, फूल फुली,

of golden hue, the flowers flowered,

S96 stop écouter
महादेववर्णका फल लगाएछन्,

of Mahādev's coppery hue, it ripened.

S97 stop écouter
ल यी केले काटम्{{963}} भनी,

"So, with what shall we cut it?" asking;

S98 stop écouter
सूर्यगरन, चन्द्रगरन लाग्दा,

"During a solar eclipse, during a lunar eclipse,"

S99 stop écouter
तिखु कामीलाई, धूरकोटे फलामका,

to Sharp-eyed Blacksmith: "Of Dhūrkoṭ iron,

S100 stop écouter
खुर्मली बनाऊ, भन्न लागेछन्,

make a sickle," began to say.

S101 stop écouter
आफैं तिखु कामी, कालीभौंजाल पसी,

Sharp-eyed Blacksmith himself, entering Dark Thicket,

S102 stop écouter
काउलीकटौंजीका गोल पोलेछ र,

burned charcoal of leafy chestnut,

S103 stop écouter
कालीपातलको लालीगुराँसको— लालीगुराँसको सुनढोठरीमा— सुनढोठरीमा,

a golden bucket of Dark Copse rhododendron,

S104 stop écouter
सुनढोठरीमा गतकोसे धार{{964}}, मजुरपोखे पाइन बनाई,

putting an edge to it, tempered it to the peacock wing temper,

S105 stop écouter
खुर्मली— खुर्मली बनाई, सीतापार्वताका हातसाथ दिएछन्,

made a sickle, gave it to Sītā, Pārvatā, two sisters' hand, stand;

S106 stop écouter
सीतापार्वता दुई बैनीले काटिकुटी,

Sītā, Pārvatā, two sisters harvested it.

S107 stop écouter
काटिकुटी, कामधेनुगाईका गोबर लेई,

Harvested it and bringing dung from Bounteous Cow,

S108 stop écouter
लिपछस् गरी रास हालेछन्,

smearing the threshing floor, they spread it out,

S109 stop écouter
आफैं महादेवलाई— रास हालेछन् आफैं महादेवलाई डकाई बोलाई लिया,

[corrects an error in the previous line:] They spread plenty. Mahādev himself they sought, they brought.

S110 stop écouter
हरे महादेव, कसरी कलाम्, कसरी बताम्, भन्दाखेरि,

"Lord! Mahādev, how shall we thresh, how shall we winnow?" saying,

S111 stop écouter
आफैं महादेवले बाघबघेनी समाई,

Mahādev himself, grabbing hold of a tiger, a tigress,

S112 stop écouter
गोरु बनाएछन्,

made them the oxen.

S113 stop écouter
खोप्री बनको गजिङबार, मालिङबारका,

Of Deep Forest, cane, reed,

S114 stop écouter
चारकुनेसुपो सुपो लेई,

bringing a four-cornered winnowing tray,

S115 stop écouter
सुपो लेई, सीतापार्वताका हातमा दिएछन्,

brought it and gave it to Sītā Pārvatā's hands.

S116 stop écouter
चार कुना लिपी, रातो भाले काटी,

Smearing four corners, sacrificing a red cock,

S117 stop écouter
रक्तका फान, चौ दुवा चुराएछन्, चुराएछन्,

spread the spurt of blood at the four crossroads.

S118 stop écouter
बाघबघेनी, पैंयाका निगलरि{{965}},

Tiger, tigress, with a cherrywood threshing post,

S119 stop écouter
बाघबघेनी नारी, दाइँ हालेछन्,

yoking tiger, tigress, they threshed.

S120 stop écouter
पूर्वका सह लेऊ, पश्‍चिमका सह लेऊ,

"Of the east, be plentiful, of the west, be plentiful,

S121 stop écouter
उत्तरका सह लेऊ, दक्खिनका सह लेऊ,

of the north, be plentiful, of the south, be plentiful."

S122 stop écouter
सह लेऊ भनी कुराले , खुरले मिची, पुच्छरले डोलाई,

Be plentiful! Hooves thrashing, tails lashing,

S123 stop écouter
सिंहले कलाइ, कलाइ बताइ गर्न लागेछन्,

horns flashing, they began to thresh, to winnow.

S124 stop écouter
चार कुने सुपामा ठहराएछन्,{{966}} नौ मुरीका रास,

In a four-cornered winnowing tray, they totaled nine bushels.

S125 stop écouter
रास बनाई आफैं महादेवलाई डकाइ बोलाइ ल्याएछन्,

Mahādev himself they sought, they brought.

S126 stop écouter
लौ महादेव, नौ मुरीका रास भयो, भनी,

"Here, Mahādev, there are a total of nine bushels," saying,

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आफैं महादेव आई, नौ मुरीका रासमा हात हालेछन्,

Mahādev himself came, took all nine bushels in hand. [break for tea]

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महादेवले नौ मुरीका रास हात हालेछन्,

Mahādev took all nine bushels in hand,

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हातसाथ लिएछन्, अकासघर उडाएछन्,

taking them in hand, to his stand, he ascended to the sky house,

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नौ सुर्जका बाण गिराएछन्, पतालघर हानेछन्,

applied barbs of the nine suns, put them in deep earth house,

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जिमीका ज्वाला उडाएछन्,

ascended the earth's flame,

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आफैं महादेवले कदम चाल्न रच्न लागेछन्,

Mahādev himself, taking a step, set the method.

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हरे महादेवले एक कदम उत्पन्न गरे पैंयाका लट्ठी,

Lord! Mahādev taking one step, established the cherrywood staff,

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दुई कदम उत्पन्न गरे लुहा— दुई कदम उत्पन्न गरे बेतका डण्डी,

taking a second step, established the cane [corrected from 'iron'] wand,

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तीन कदम उत्पन्न गरे लुहाका गन्जी,

taking a third step, established the iron mace.

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पैंयाका लट्ठी, काजा उही कहाँ पुगे,

"Where, how far, did the cherrywood staff reach?"

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हान्नेबान्ने, गुणीज्ञानी, जैसी झाँकरी,

Strikers, binders, skilled ones, clever ones, astrologers, shamans,

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जैसी झाँकरी, काठजरी, पानीमूल,

astrologers, shamans, wood roots dwellers, water forces,

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झजल्काउने, बिजल्काउने,

restless inciters, trouble inviters,

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यसो पट्टि खेल्ने डाँडाघरका गैराभुत,

playing on this side, the ridge home's valley ghost.

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छन्दोबन्दो गरम्, भन्न लागेछन्,

"Restrain, constrain them!" begins to say,

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दुई कदम उत्पन्न गरे बेतका डण्डी,

taking a second step, established the cane wand,

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बेतका डण्डी उत्पन्न गरे,

established the cane wand,

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हालापोखरीको गौरीबेत लिए,

brought pale cane of Exhausted Pond,

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बेतका डण्डी लिए, यिनी मुख मन्तर्नी,

brought a cane wand, this, mouth applying spell,

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कक्सेनीबोक्सेनी, अङ्केनीडङ्केनी,

small witches, great witches, fearful quick witches, dead witches,

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छौडेनी उल्टा बिल्टा,

backward and forward witch familiars,

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उल्टा बिल्टा ज्ञान सिप्पे, ज्ञान बिप्फे पारेछन्,

acts of forward cleverness, backward cleverness,

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बिप्फे ज्ञान सिप्पे पारेछन्,

backward cleverness is made straight.

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तीन कदम उत्पन्न— उत्पन्न गराएछन्, लुहाका गन्जी,

Established in three steps, wand of iron,

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लुहाका गन्जी लिए, यिनी लुहाका गन्जी,

brought the wand of iron. "This, wand of iron,

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कहाँ जाई, कहाँ पुगाई भन्न लागेछन्,

where, how far does it reach?" began to say.

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यस गृहका, यसै गृहका,

Of this house, of this very home,

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कुलकुलान, देउ पित्र,

ancestral wraiths, family gods,

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देउ पित्र, धारेमष्ट, धुरेमष्ट,

Blood-drinking Maṣṭa, Grain-eating Maṣṭa,

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सात खिल, सात टाँस मारेछन्,

seven spike, seven spanners embed,

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भसम् रिखी पारेछन्,

a line of ashes spread.

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एकाली बाचा, दुहाली बाचा, तीन तेलीका बाचा,

One level of oaths, two levels of oaths, three levels of oaths,

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गुरुका शक्ति, मेरा भक्ति,

guru's divine might, my devoted insight,

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श्री महादेवकी बाचा॥

oath of Honorable Mahādev!