सत्यजुगजाको, सत्यमनामीको, तीर्थजुगजाको, तीर्थमनामीको, अपुता पो थिए, अपुतेनी थिए, अपुता पो थिए, अपुतेनी थिए, [सार्हो ढ्याङग्रो नबजाउने, मुखै सार्हो गर्ने, ढ्याङग्रो चहिँ सार्हो नगर्ने।] अपुता पो थिए, अपुतेनी थिए, नङ्ग्यानिको गाउँमा, कुलनन्द जैसी, अलक जान्ने थिए, अलक सुन्ने थिए, अपुता जा त र, अपुतेनी जा त, कालावती जा र, नीलावती जा र, जर्म हेरिदेऊ त, कर्म हेरिदेऊ त, छ मास बर्ष दिनमा, दस महिनाजाको, दस र मासजाको, दस र मासजाको, छोरा जन्म हुन्छ, छोरा जन्म हुन्छ, पयलपुरको जन्म, पयलपुरको जन्म, दस मासको दियान{{938}}, एघार दिनको नवाङ, बाह्र दिनको विवाह, बाह्र दिनको विवाह, कर्मवतीजालाई, कर्मवतीजालाई, महादेवको छोरी, कर्मवतीजालाई, जर्म विवाह गर्नु, कर्म विवाह गर्नु, भाँउतै भनी छोड्यो, कुलनन्द जैसी, करम गृह आए, घरगृह आए, पाखे झुपडीमा, सुले गुन्द्रीमा, रजस्वला भयो, रस्त भेदन भयो, रस्तखुन चल्यो, रस्तखुन चल्यो, एकै महिनाजाको, दुई मासेनीको, दुई महिना पुग्यो, तीनै मासेनीको, तीन र महिना पुग्यो, चारै मासेनीको, चार र महिना पुग्यो, पाँचै मासेनीको, पाँच र महिना पुग्यो, छवै मासेनीको, छ र महिना पुग्यो, सातै मासेनीको, अन्न रुच्ने होइन, पानी भिज्ने होइन, सात र महिना पुग्यो, आठ महिना लाग्यो, आठ र महिना पुग्यो, नवै मासेनीको, नौजा र महिना पुग्यो, दसै मासेनीको, मङ्लबारको जन्म, मङ्लबारको जन्म, मङ्लबारको जन्म, मङ्लबारको जन्म, आनापैसा घाल्यो, मानाचामल घाल्यो, माभा बिरसँग{{939}}, धन्दा महादेवसँग, धन्दा महादेवसँग, धन्दा महादेवसँग, जदौ महादेव भन्यो, जदौ महादेव भन्यो, छोरा नभा'को, छोरी नभा'को, जर्म हेरिदेऊ त, छोरा कुनमा जन्म्यो, जसै हेर्न लागे, बेला हेर्न लागे, नक्षत्र हेर्न लागे, नक्षत्र हेर्न लागे, कालावती जाका, नीलावती जाका, छोरा जन्म भयो, छोरा जन्म भयो, पयलपुरको जन्म, पयलपुरको जन्म, महादेवको छोरी, कर्मवतीजालाई, दस मासको बिहान, एघार दिनको नवाङ, बाह्र दिनको विवाह, बाह्र दिनको विवाह, धन्दा महादेव छोरी, कर्मवतीजालाई, कन्यदान दिए, धन्दा महादेवले, मकर महिना जामा, मकर महिना जामा, कन्या र दान सारे, ग्रह टारिछोडे, काल सार्ने महिना, ग्रह फाल्ने महिना, कन्या र दान दिए, तल्लो ङा मान्लेमा, साखै मामा छोरी, साखै पुसाई छोरा, साखै फुपु छोरा, साखै मामा छोरी, कन्या र दान दिए, कन्यादान दिए, […] तल्लो ङा मान्लेमा, तल्लो ङा मान्लेमा, काम र चल्नी भइन, काज चल्नी भइन, राशी मिल्ने भइन, भाशी मिल्ने भइन, करो ङा सासुले, करो ससुराले, अल्छेनीको बियाँल, चाल्नेभरि फुयाँल, अल्छेनी पो भन्छ, करो ङा सासुले, करो ससुराले, दारा बुकाउँदछ, करो ङा सासुले, करो ङा सासुले, अल्छेनी पो भन्छ, गल्छेनी पो भन्छ, सप्रे चेली घर, बिग्रे चेली माइत, भागी र नासी आयो, भागीनासी आयो, भागी र नासी आउँदा, भागीनासी आउँदा, घरैगृहमा, आवै पार्वतीले, क्या मा र कसो भयो, छोरी ङा हो, रातै अन्धो रहेछ, दिन अन्धो रहेछ, राशी मिल्ने भइन, भाशी मिल्ने भइन, काम चल्नी भइन, काज चल्नी भइन, तेरो ङा बाबु त, बाह बर्ष सञ्चो, धन्दा महादेव त, धन्दा महादेव त, बाह्र बर्ष सुत्छो, बाह्र बर्ष उठ्छ, धन्दा महादेव त, धन्दा महादेव त, भउत भन्न लागिन्, आवै पार्वतीले, महादेवको सिरान, कपालमा मुसी, छोरी अनाखेनी, छोरी बिनाखेनी, धुरुधरु रुन्छ, धुरुधरु रुन्छ, अलिनधारा बग्यो, बलिनधारा बग्यो, आँसु बगीकन, नदी छल्ली गयो, धन्दा महादेवको, एघार बर्ष पुग्दा, बाह्र बर्ष लाग्दा, बाह्र बर्ष लाग्दा, धन्दा महादेवको, पावै चिसो भयो, हाइहाइ मिठो निन्द्रा, हाइहाइ मिठो निन्द्रा, ओल्ट्याम्ममा हेरे, पल्ट्याम्ममा हेरे, धन्दा महादेवले, धन्दा महादेवले, छोरी अनाखेनी, छोरी बिनाखेनी, साखै फुपु छोरा, साखै मामा छोरी, कन्या र दान दिएको, कन्या दान दिएको, क्या मा र कसो भयो, क्या मा र कसो भयो, रातै अन्धो रहेछ, दिन अन्धो रहेछ, काम चल्नी भइन, काज चल्नी भइन, राशी मिल्ने भइन, भाशी मिल्ने भइन, करो ङा सासुले, करो ससुराले, चाल्नेभरि फुयाँल, अल्छेनीको बियाँल, करो ङा सासुले, अल्छेनी पो भन्छे, कल्छेनी पो भन्छे, कल्छेनी पो भन्छे, करो ङा ससुरा, दारा बुकाउँदछ, राशी मिलदैन, भाशी मिलदैन, सप्रे चेली घर, बिग्रे चेली माइत, तदा भागी आयौ, तदा भागी आयौ, पख पख चेली, पख पख चेली, गाई जा धन लैजाऊ, गौ जा धन लैजाऊ, तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल हैनन्, पख पख चेली, भैंसीधन लैजाऊ, तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल हैनन्, तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल हैनन्, भेडीधन लैजाऊ, छ्याउरीधन लैजाऊ, तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्, च्यालुकधन लैजाऊ, च्याङ्ग्राधन लैजाऊ,{{940}} तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल रास्यो, चौंरीधन लैजाऊ, चौंरीधन लैजाऊ, तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्, झुपाधन लैजाऊ, लोलाधन लैजाऊ,{{941}} तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्, तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो, चिन्ने र भुक्ने लैजाऊ, दुक्नेभुक्ने लैजाऊ,{{942}} तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्, तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो, हात्तीदाइजो लैजाऊ, हात्तीदाइजो लैजाऊ, तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्, तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो, घोडाधन लैजाऊ, घोडीधन लैजाऊ, तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्, गधाधन लैजाऊ, खच्चरधन लैजाऊ, तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल रास्यो, […] दुक्ने र धन लैजाऊ, भुक्नेधन लैजाऊ, तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्, तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो, न्यावरदाइजो लैजाऊ, न्यावरधन लैजाऊ, तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्, तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो, झारलधन लैजाऊ, झारलधन लैजाऊ, तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्, तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो, घोरलधन लैजाऊ, घोरलधन लैजाऊ, तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्, तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो, झारलधन लैजाऊ, झारलधन लैजाऊ, तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्, तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो, रातेधन लैजाऊ, रातेधन लैजाऊ, तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्, तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो, भालुदाइजो लैजाऊ, भालुदाइजो लैजाऊ, तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्, तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो, बाघैदाइजो लैजाऊ, बाघैदाइजो लैजाऊ, तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल हैनन्, […] गुनादाइजो लैजाऊ, गुनादाइजो लैजाऊ, तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्, तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो, [drumming] बाजाप्वाँख लैजाऊ, बाजाप्वाँख लैजाऊ, तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्, तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो, धनद्रब्य लैजाऊ, सुनचाँदी लैजाऊ, तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्, तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो, जोख्ने र सुन लैजाऊ, भोर्नेपैसा लैजाऊ, तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्, तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो, अनाजपानी{{943}} लैजाऊ, अनाजपानी लैजाऊ, तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्, तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो, तमनकसन लैजाऊ, तमनकसन लैजाऊ, तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्, तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो, रोजे धन तेरो, छोडे माल मेरो, […] […] आदी र थुमा तेरो, आदी वियाड{{944}} तेरो, तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्, तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो, रोजे धन तेरो, छोडे माल मेरो, बाचा बान्न लागे, कबोल बान्न लागे, बाचाबाट हारे, कबोलबाट चुके,
Of the good Age of Truth, of the World of Truth, of the Third Age, of the Third World, they were without sons, were without daughters. they were without sons, were without daughters. [Don't play the drum loud, make your voice loud, not the drum!] they were without sons, were without daughters. In Naked Woman Village, Kulananda Astrologer, exceptional in knowing, exceptional in hearing: "Oh, good sonless one, oh, good daughterless one, good Black-hued Girl, good Blue-hued Girl, oh, look at your birth, oh, look at your fate, in six months, a year, of a good ten months, of a good ten months, of a good ten months, a son shall be born, a son shall be born." Payalpur's birth, Payalpur's birth, birth moment of the tenth month, naming ceremony of the eleventh day, marriage of the twelfth day, marriage of the twelfth day, good Karmawatī, good Karmawatī, Mahādev's daughter, good Karmawatī, performing her birth marriage, performing her birth marriage. Leaving off unnecessary work, Kulananda Astrologer, reached the appointed house, the home; reached the house, the home. In a roughly thatched shed, in a narrow mat shelter, as after menstruation, she was put in seclusion. The seclusion was enacted, the seclusion was enacted, of a good first month, of two months, two months passed, of three months long, reached three months, of four months long, reached four months, of five months long, reached five months, of six months long, reached six months, of seven months long, she had no appetite to eat, water failed to whet the appetite, reached seven months, of eight months long, reached eight months, of nine months long, reached nine good months, of ten months long, born of a Tuesday, born of a Tuesday, born of a Tuesday, born of a Tuesday, put small coins, put a cup of rice grains, with the Great Ash-covered Warrior, with blessed Mahādev, with blessed Mahādev, with blessed Mahādev. "Honor to you, Mahādev," she said. "Honor to you, Mahādev," she said. "Not having a son, not having a daughter, oh, examine my birth, how can a son be born?" He began to examine her fate, began to examine the moment, began to examine the lunar house, began to examine the lunar house. Of good Black-hued Girl, of good Blue-hued Girl, a son was born, a son was born, Payalpur's birth, Payalpur's birth. For Mahādev's daughter, good Karmawatī, morning of the tenth month, naming ceremony of the eleventh day, marriage of the twelfth day, marriage of the twelfth day, blessed Mahādev's daughter, Karmawatī, gave the gift of a virgin, blessed Mahādev, in the good crocodile month, in the good crocodile month, transferring the gift of a virgin, left to displace the planets, month to replace the time of death, month to efface the planets, gave the gift of a virgin, to the lower world, true maternal uncle's daughter, true paternal uncle's son, true paternal aunt's son, true maternal uncle's daughter, gave the gift of a virgin, gave the gift of a virgin. [aside] In the lower world, in the lower world, it was impossible to work, was impossible to labor, the place didn't match, the space didn't fit, a difficult father-in-law, a difficult mother-in-law, a lazy person's slow helper, the winnowing tray's chaff. "So lazy," he says, the difficult father-in-law, the difficult mother-in-law, beats her with teeth bared, the difficult father-in-law, the difficult father-in-law: "So lazy," he says. "So hazy," he says. "At the husband's house when all's well, at the parents' when it's stale." She fled and returned. Coming fleeing, She fled and returned. Coming fleeing, at the house, the home, Mother Pārvatī: "What, why have you come? Yes, my own daughter." "It proves dark at night, proves dark at day, the place didn't match, the space didn't fit, it was impossible to work, was impossible to labor." "Oh, your own father, for twelve years, oh, blessed Mahādev, oh, blessed Mahādev, sleeps for twelve years, is awake for twelve years, oh, blessed Mahādev, oh, blessed Mahādev." She began to plead, Mother Pārvatī, at Mahādev's headrest, with hair knotted, unfortunate daughter, misfortunate daughter, cries a fountain of tears, cries a fountain of tears, teardrops flowed, torrents flowed. As the tears flowed, they caused a river to flow, of blessed Mahādev, reaching eleven years, as twelve years began, as twelve years began, of blessed Mahādev, his feet became cold. "Such sweet sleep, such sweet sleep." Looking about tipsily, looking about turvily, blessed Mahādev, blessed Mahādev: "O Daughter Unfortunate, O Daughter Misfortunate, a true paternal aunt's son, a true maternal uncle's daughter, having presented the gift of a virgin, having presented the gift of a virgin, what's this, what happened? What's this, what happened?" "It proves dark at night, proves dark at day, it was impossible to work, impossible to labor, the place didn't match, the space didn't fit, my difficult father-in-law, my difficult mother-in-law, the winnowing tray's chaff, a lazy person's slow helper, my difficult father-in-law, my difficult mother-in-law, call me lazy, call me hazy, my difficult mother-in-law, beats me with teeth bared, the space doesn't fit, the place doesn't match, 'At the husband's house when all's well, back at the parents' when it's stale,' that I fled and returned, fled and returned." "Wait, wait, girl; wait, wait, girl, take good cow wealth, take good oxen wealth." "That wealth is useless, that isn't treasure." "Wait, wait, girl, take buffalo wealth." "That wealth is useless, that isn't treasure." "That wealth is useless, that isn't treasure." "Take sheep wealth, take bitch wealth." "That isn't wealth, that treasure is useless." "Take woolly rams wealth, take woolly ewes wealth." "That isn't wealth, that treasure is useless." "Take yak wealth, take yak wealth." "That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure." "Take male crossbreed wealth, take female crossbreed wealth." "That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure, that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless." "Take marking, barking wealth, take wagging, tagging wealth." "That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure, that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless." "Take an elephant dowry, take an elephant dowry." "That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure, that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless." "Take stallion wealth, take mare wealth." "That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure." "Take donkey wealth, take mule wealth." "That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure." [discussion] "Take wagging wealth, take barking wealth." "That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure, that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless." "Take blue sheep dowry, take blue sheep wealth." "That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure, that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless." "Take mountain tarr wealth, take mountain tarr wealth." "That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure, that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless." "Take wild goat wealth, take wild goat wealth." "That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure, that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless." "Take wild tarr wealth, take wild tarr wealth." "That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure, that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless." "Take barking deer wealth, take barking deer wealth." "That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure, that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless." "Take bear wealth, take bear wealth." "That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure, that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless." "Take tiger wealth, take tiger wealth." "That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure." [drumming] "Take monkey wealth, take monkey wealth." "That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure, that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless." [pause 4s; this line is missing in the recording] "Take hawk feather wealth, take hawk feather wealth." "That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure, that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless." "Take valued wealth, take gold, silver." "That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure, that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless." "Take weighed gold, take minted coins." "That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure, that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless." "Take grains, take grains." "That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure, that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless." "Take copperware, take brassware." "That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure, that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless." "Desired wealth is yours, remaining goods are mine, […] [discussion] half the seed rice mounds yours, half the seed rice beds yours." "That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure, that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless." "Desired wealth is yours, remaining goods are mine." She began to bind him with oaths, began to bind him with promises. Defeated by oaths, finished by promises,
S1 |
सत्यजुगजाको, सत्यमनामीको,
Of the good Age of Truth, of the World of Truth,
S2 |
तीर्थजुगजाको, तीर्थमनामीको,
of the Third Age, of the Third World,
S3 |
अपुता पो थिए, अपुतेनी थिए,
they were without sons, were without daughters.
S4 |
अपुता पो थिए, अपुतेनी थिए,
they were without sons, were without daughters.
S5 |
[सार्हो ढ्याङग्रो नबजाउने, मुखै सार्हो गर्ने, ढ्याङग्रो चहिँ सार्हो नगर्ने।]
[Don't play the drum loud, make your voice loud, not the drum!]
S6 |
अपुता पो थिए, अपुतेनी थिए,
they were without sons, were without daughters.
S7 |
नङ्ग्यानिको गाउँमा, कुलनन्द जैसी,
In Naked Woman Village, Kulananda Astrologer,
S8 |
अलक जान्ने थिए, अलक सुन्ने थिए,
exceptional in knowing, exceptional in hearing:
S9 |
अपुता जा त र, अपुतेनी जा त,
"Oh, good sonless one, oh, good daughterless one,
S10 |
कालावती जा र, नीलावती जा र,
good Black-hued Girl, good Blue-hued Girl,
S11 |
जर्म हेरिदेऊ त, कर्म हेरिदेऊ त,
oh, look at your birth, oh, look at your fate,
S12 |
छ मास बर्ष दिनमा, दस महिनाजाको,
in six months, a year, of a good ten months,
S13 |
दस र मासजाको, दस र मासजाको,
of a good ten months, of a good ten months,
S14 |
छोरा जन्म हुन्छ, छोरा जन्म हुन्छ,
a son shall be born, a son shall be born."
S15 |
पयलपुरको जन्म, पयलपुरको जन्म,
Payalpur's birth, Payalpur's birth,
S16 |
दस मासको दियान{{938}}, एघार दिनको नवाङ,
birth moment of the tenth month, naming ceremony of the eleventh day,
S17 |
बाह्र दिनको विवाह, बाह्र दिनको विवाह,
marriage of the twelfth day, marriage of the twelfth day,
S18 |
कर्मवतीजालाई, कर्मवतीजालाई,
good Karmawatī, good Karmawatī,
S19 |
महादेवको छोरी, कर्मवतीजालाई,
Mahādev's daughter, good Karmawatī,
S20 |
जर्म विवाह गर्नु, कर्म विवाह गर्नु,
performing her birth marriage, performing her birth marriage.
S21 |
भाँउतै भनी छोड्यो, कुलनन्द जैसी,
Leaving off unnecessary work, Kulananda Astrologer,
S22 |
reached the appointed house, the home; reached the house, the home.
S23 |
पाखे झुपडीमा, सुले गुन्द्रीमा,
In a roughly thatched shed, in a narrow mat shelter,
S24 |
रजस्वला भयो, रस्त भेदन भयो,
as after menstruation, she was put in seclusion.
S25 |
रस्तखुन चल्यो, रस्तखुन चल्यो,
The seclusion was enacted, the seclusion was enacted,
S26 |
एकै महिनाजाको, दुई मासेनीको,
of a good first month, of two months,
S27 |
दुई महिना पुग्यो, तीनै मासेनीको,
two months passed, of three months long,
S28 |
तीन र महिना पुग्यो, चारै मासेनीको,
reached three months, of four months long,
S29 |
चार र महिना पुग्यो, पाँचै मासेनीको,
reached four months, of five months long,
S30 |
पाँच र महिना पुग्यो, छवै मासेनीको,
reached five months, of six months long,
S31 |
छ र महिना पुग्यो, सातै मासेनीको,
reached six months, of seven months long,
S32 |
अन्न रुच्ने होइन, पानी भिज्ने होइन,
she had no appetite to eat, water failed to whet the appetite,
S33 |
सात र महिना पुग्यो, आठ महिना लाग्यो,
reached seven months, of eight months long,
S34 |
आठ र महिना पुग्यो, नवै मासेनीको,
reached eight months, of nine months long,
S35 |
नौजा र महिना पुग्यो, दसै मासेनीको,
reached nine good months, of ten months long,
S36 |
मङ्लबारको जन्म, मङ्लबारको जन्म,
born of a Tuesday, born of a Tuesday,
S37 |
मङ्लबारको जन्म, मङ्लबारको जन्म,
born of a Tuesday, born of a Tuesday,
S38 |
आनापैसा घाल्यो, मानाचामल घाल्यो,
put small coins, put a cup of rice grains,
S39 |
माभा बिरसँग{{939}}, धन्दा महादेवसँग,
with the Great Ash-covered Warrior, with blessed Mahādev,
S40 |
धन्दा महादेवसँग, धन्दा महादेवसँग,
with blessed Mahādev, with blessed Mahādev.
S41 |
जदौ महादेव भन्यो, जदौ महादेव भन्यो,
"Honor to you, Mahādev," she said. "Honor to you, Mahādev," she said.
S42 |
छोरा नभा'को, छोरी नभा'को,
"Not having a son, not having a daughter,
S43 |
जर्म हेरिदेऊ त, छोरा कुनमा जन्म्यो,
oh, examine my birth, how can a son be born?"
S44 |
जसै हेर्न लागे, बेला हेर्न लागे,
He began to examine her fate, began to examine the moment,
S45 |
नक्षत्र हेर्न लागे, नक्षत्र हेर्न लागे,
began to examine the lunar house, began to examine the lunar house.
S46 |
कालावती जाका, नीलावती जाका,
Of good Black-hued Girl, of good Blue-hued Girl,
S47 |
छोरा जन्म भयो, छोरा जन्म भयो,
a son was born, a son was born,
S48 |
पयलपुरको जन्म, पयलपुरको जन्म,
Payalpur's birth, Payalpur's birth.
S49 |
महादेवको छोरी, कर्मवतीजालाई,
For Mahādev's daughter, good Karmawatī,
S50 |
दस मासको बिहान, एघार दिनको नवाङ,
morning of the tenth month, naming ceremony of the eleventh day,
S51 |
बाह्र दिनको विवाह, बाह्र दिनको विवाह,
marriage of the twelfth day, marriage of the twelfth day,
S52 |
धन्दा महादेव छोरी, कर्मवतीजालाई,
blessed Mahādev's daughter, Karmawatī,
S53 |
कन्यदान दिए, धन्दा महादेवले,
gave the gift of a virgin, blessed Mahādev,
S54 |
मकर महिना जामा, मकर महिना जामा,
in the good crocodile month, in the good crocodile month,
S55 |
कन्या र दान सारे, ग्रह टारिछोडे,
transferring the gift of a virgin, left to displace the planets,
S56 |
काल सार्ने महिना, ग्रह फाल्ने महिना,
month to replace the time of death, month to efface the planets,
S57 |
कन्या र दान दिए, तल्लो ङा मान्लेमा,
gave the gift of a virgin, to the lower world,
S58 |
साखै मामा छोरी, साखै पुसाई छोरा,
true maternal uncle's daughter, true paternal uncle's son,
S59 |
साखै फुपु छोरा, साखै मामा छोरी,
true paternal aunt's son, true maternal uncle's daughter,
S60 |
कन्या र दान दिए, कन्यादान दिए,
gave the gift of a virgin, gave the gift of a virgin.
S61 |
S62 |
तल्लो ङा मान्लेमा, तल्लो ङा मान्लेमा,
In the lower world, in the lower world,
S63 |
काम र चल्नी भइन, काज चल्नी भइन,
it was impossible to work, was impossible to labor,
S64 |
राशी मिल्ने भइन, भाशी मिल्ने भइन,
the place didn't match, the space didn't fit,
S65 |
करो ङा सासुले, करो ससुराले,
a difficult father-in-law, a difficult mother-in-law,
S66 |
अल्छेनीको बियाँल, चाल्नेभरि फुयाँल,
a lazy person's slow helper, the winnowing tray's chaff.
S67 |
अल्छेनी पो भन्छ, करो ङा सासुले,
"So lazy," he says, the difficult father-in-law,
S68 |
करो ससुराले, दारा बुकाउँदछ,
the difficult mother-in-law, beats her with teeth bared,
S69 |
करो ङा सासुले, करो ङा सासुले,
the difficult father-in-law, the difficult father-in-law:
S70 |
अल्छेनी पो भन्छ, गल्छेनी पो भन्छ,
"So lazy," he says. "So hazy," he says.
S71 |
सप्रे चेली घर, बिग्रे चेली माइत,
"At the husband's house when all's well, at the parents' when it's stale."
S72 |
भागी र नासी आयो, भागीनासी आयो,
She fled and returned. Coming fleeing,
S73 |
भागी र नासी आउँदा, भागीनासी आउँदा,
She fled and returned. Coming fleeing,
S74 |
at the house, the home, Mother Pārvatī:
S75 |
क्या मा र कसो भयो, छोरी ङा हो,
"What, why have you come? Yes, my own daughter."
S76 |
रातै अन्धो रहेछ, दिन अन्धो रहेछ,
"It proves dark at night, proves dark at day,
S77 |
राशी मिल्ने भइन, भाशी मिल्ने भइन,
the place didn't match, the space didn't fit,
S78 |
काम चल्नी भइन, काज चल्नी भइन,
it was impossible to work, was impossible to labor."
S79 |
तेरो ङा बाबु त, बाह बर्ष सञ्चो,
"Oh, your own father, for twelve years,
S80 |
धन्दा महादेव त, धन्दा महादेव त,
oh, blessed Mahādev, oh, blessed Mahādev,
S81 |
बाह्र बर्ष सुत्छो, बाह्र बर्ष उठ्छ,
sleeps for twelve years, is awake for twelve years,
S82 |
धन्दा महादेव त, धन्दा महादेव त,
oh, blessed Mahādev, oh, blessed Mahādev."
S83 |
भउत भन्न लागिन्, आवै पार्वतीले,
She began to plead, Mother Pārvatī,
S84 |
महादेवको सिरान, कपालमा मुसी,
at Mahādev's headrest, with hair knotted,
S85 |
छोरी अनाखेनी, छोरी बिनाखेनी,
unfortunate daughter, misfortunate daughter,
S86 |
धुरुधरु रुन्छ, धुरुधरु रुन्छ,
cries a fountain of tears, cries a fountain of tears,
S87 |
अलिनधारा बग्यो, बलिनधारा बग्यो,
teardrops flowed, torrents flowed.
S88 |
आँसु बगीकन, नदी छल्ली गयो,
As the tears flowed, they caused a river to flow,
S89 |
धन्दा महादेवको, एघार बर्ष पुग्दा,
of blessed Mahādev, reaching eleven years,
S90 |
बाह्र बर्ष लाग्दा, बाह्र बर्ष लाग्दा,
as twelve years began, as twelve years began,
S91 |
धन्दा महादेवको, पावै चिसो भयो,
of blessed Mahādev, his feet became cold.
S92 |
हाइहाइ मिठो निन्द्रा, हाइहाइ मिठो निन्द्रा,
"Such sweet sleep, such sweet sleep."
S93 |
ओल्ट्याम्ममा हेरे, पल्ट्याम्ममा हेरे,
Looking about tipsily, looking about turvily,
S94 |
धन्दा महादेवले, धन्दा महादेवले,
blessed Mahādev, blessed Mahādev:
S95 |
छोरी अनाखेनी, छोरी बिनाखेनी,
"O Daughter Unfortunate, O Daughter Misfortunate,
S96 |
साखै फुपु छोरा, साखै मामा छोरी,
a true paternal aunt's son, a true maternal uncle's daughter,
S97 |
कन्या र दान दिएको, कन्या दान दिएको,
having presented the gift of a virgin, having presented the gift of a virgin,
S98 |
क्या मा र कसो भयो, क्या मा र कसो भयो,
what's this, what happened? What's this, what happened?"
S99 |
रातै अन्धो रहेछ, दिन अन्धो रहेछ,
"It proves dark at night, proves dark at day,
S100 |
काम चल्नी भइन, काज चल्नी भइन,
it was impossible to work, impossible to labor,
S101 |
राशी मिल्ने भइन, भाशी मिल्ने भइन,
the place didn't match, the space didn't fit,
S102 |
करो ङा सासुले, करो ससुराले,
my difficult father-in-law, my difficult mother-in-law,
S103 |
चाल्नेभरि फुयाँल, अल्छेनीको बियाँल,
the winnowing tray's chaff, a lazy person's slow helper,
S104 |
करो ङा सासुले, अल्छेनी पो भन्छे,
my difficult father-in-law, my difficult mother-in-law,
S105 |
कल्छेनी पो भन्छे, कल्छेनी पो भन्छे,
call me lazy, call me hazy,
S106 |
करो ङा ससुरा, दारा बुकाउँदछ,
my difficult mother-in-law, beats me with teeth bared,
S107 |
राशी मिलदैन, भाशी मिलदैन,
the space doesn't fit, the place doesn't match,
S108 |
सप्रे चेली घर, बिग्रे चेली माइत,
'At the husband's house when all's well, back at the parents' when it's stale,'
S109 |
तदा भागी आयौ, तदा भागी आयौ,
that I fled and returned, fled and returned."
S110 |
"Wait, wait, girl; wait, wait, girl,
S111 |
गाई जा धन लैजाऊ, गौ जा धन लैजाऊ,
take good cow wealth, take good oxen wealth."
S112 |
तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल हैनन्,
"That wealth is useless, that isn't treasure."
S113 |
पख पख चेली, भैंसीधन लैजाऊ,
"Wait, wait, girl, take buffalo wealth."
S114 |
तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल हैनन्,
"That wealth is useless, that isn't treasure."
S115 |
तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल हैनन्,
"That wealth is useless, that isn't treasure."
S116 |
भेडीधन लैजाऊ, छ्याउरीधन लैजाऊ,
"Take sheep wealth, take bitch wealth."
S117 |
तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्,
"That isn't wealth, that treasure is useless."
S118 |
च्यालुकधन लैजाऊ, च्याङ्ग्राधन लैजाऊ,{{940}}
"Take woolly rams wealth, take woolly ewes wealth."
S119 |
तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल रास्यो,
"That isn't wealth, that treasure is useless."
S120 |
चौंरीधन लैजाऊ, चौंरीधन लैजाऊ,
"Take yak wealth, take yak wealth."
S121 |
तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्,
"That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure."
S122 |
झुपाधन लैजाऊ, लोलाधन लैजाऊ,{{941}}
"Take male crossbreed wealth, take female crossbreed wealth."
S123 |
तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्,
"That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure,
S124 |
तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो,
that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless."
S125 |
चिन्ने र भुक्ने लैजाऊ, दुक्नेभुक्ने लैजाऊ,{{942}}
"Take marking, barking wealth, take wagging, tagging wealth."
S126 |
तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्,
"That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure,
S127 |
तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो,
that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless."
S128 |
हात्तीदाइजो लैजाऊ, हात्तीदाइजो लैजाऊ,
"Take an elephant dowry, take an elephant dowry."
S129 |
तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्,
"That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure,
S130 |
तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो,
that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless."
S131 |
घोडाधन लैजाऊ, घोडीधन लैजाऊ,
"Take stallion wealth, take mare wealth."
S132 |
तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्,
"That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure."
S133 |
गधाधन लैजाऊ, खच्चरधन लैजाऊ,
"Take donkey wealth, take mule wealth."
S134 |
तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल रास्यो,
"That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure."
S135 |
S136 |
दुक्ने र धन लैजाऊ, भुक्नेधन लैजाऊ,
"Take wagging wealth, take barking wealth."
S137 |
तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्,
"That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure,
S138 |
तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो,
that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless."
S139 |
न्यावरदाइजो लैजाऊ, न्यावरधन लैजाऊ,
"Take blue sheep dowry, take blue sheep wealth."
S140 |
तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्,
"That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure,
S141 |
तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो,
that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless."
S142 |
झारलधन लैजाऊ, झारलधन लैजाऊ,
"Take mountain tarr wealth, take mountain tarr wealth."
S143 |
तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्,
"That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure,
S144 |
तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो,
that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless."
S145 |
घोरलधन लैजाऊ, घोरलधन लैजाऊ,
"Take wild goat wealth, take wild goat wealth."
S146 |
तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्,
"That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure,
S147 |
तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो,
that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless."
S148 |
झारलधन लैजाऊ, झारलधन लैजाऊ,
"Take wild tarr wealth, take wild tarr wealth."
S149 |
तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्,
"That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure,
S150 |
तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो,
that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless."
S151 |
रातेधन लैजाऊ, रातेधन लैजाऊ,
"Take barking deer wealth, take barking deer wealth."
S152 |
तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्,
"That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure,
S153 |
तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो,
that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless."
S154 |
भालुदाइजो लैजाऊ, भालुदाइजो लैजाऊ,
"Take bear wealth, take bear wealth."
S155 |
तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्,
"That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure,
S156 |
तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो,
that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless."
S157 |
बाघैदाइजो लैजाऊ, बाघैदाइजो लैजाऊ,
"Take tiger wealth, take tiger wealth."
S158 |
तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल हैनन्,
"That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure."
S159 |
[…] गुनादाइजो लैजाऊ, गुनादाइजो लैजाऊ,
[drumming] "Take monkey wealth, take monkey wealth."
S160 |
तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्,
"That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure,
S161 |
तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो, [drumming]
that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless."
S162 |
बाजाप्वाँख लैजाऊ, बाजाप्वाँख लैजाऊ,
[pause 4s; this line is missing in the recording] "Take hawk feather wealth, take hawk feather wealth."
S163 |
तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्,
"That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure,
S164 |
तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो,
that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless."
S165 |
धनद्रब्य लैजाऊ, सुनचाँदी लैजाऊ,
"Take valued wealth, take gold, silver."
S166 |
तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्,
"That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure,
S167 |
तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो,
that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless."
S168 |
जोख्ने र सुन लैजाऊ, भोर्नेपैसा लैजाऊ,
"Take weighed gold, take minted coins."
S169 |
तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्,
"That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure,
S170 |
तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो,
that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless."
S171 |
अनाजपानी{{943}} लैजाऊ, अनाजपानी लैजाऊ,
"Take grains, take grains."
S172 |
तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्,
"That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure,
S173 |
तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो,
that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless."
S174 |
तमनकसन लैजाऊ, तमनकसन लैजाऊ,
"Take copperware, take brassware."
S175 |
तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्,
"That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure,
S176 |
तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो,
that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless."
S177 |
रोजे धन तेरो, छोडे माल मेरो, […]
"Desired wealth is yours, remaining goods are mine, […]
S178 |
S179 |
आदी र थुमा तेरो, आदी वियाड{{944}} तेरो,
half the seed rice mounds yours, half the seed rice beds yours."
S180 |
तिनी धन हैनन्, तिनी माल हैनन्,
"That isn't wealth, that isn't treasure,
S181 |
तिनी धन रास्यो, तिनी माल रास्यो,
that wealth is useless, that treasure is useless."
S182 |
रोजे धन तेरो, छोडे माल मेरो,
"Desired wealth is yours, remaining goods are mine."
S183 |
बाचा बान्न लागे, कबोल बान्न लागे,
She began to bind him with oaths, began to bind him with promises.
S184 |
बाचाबाट हारे, कबोलबाट चुके,
Defeated by oaths, finished by promises,