Ressource audio

House Binding Mantra 2 / घर बान्ने मन्तर २

Langue / Language Nepali (nep)
Fichier(s) audio / Recording(s): Version Wav/22Khz : (0:9:29) Ancienne cote: crdo-NEP_HOUSE2_SOUNDdoi:10.24397/PANGLOSS-0004118
Enregistré en / Recorded in: 2001-02-08
Lieu / Place: Nepal, Dhaulagiri Zone, Baglung District, Arjewa VDC, Sukurdunga/Bobang
Participant(s): Ḍalle Kāmī (speaker)
Maskarinec, Gregory G. (researcher)
Poudel, Keshav (research_participant)
Michailovsky, Boyd (depositor)
Agence Nationale de la Recherche ANR-06-CORP-030-01 (sponsor)
American Philosophical Society (sponsor)
Wenner-Gren Foundation (sponsor)
Description(s): (en)A mantra for house-protection, from the Bhuji Khola, Baglung District, Nepal. The shaman, Ḍalle Kāmī, was a student of Deorām Kāmī. The right canal is weak for about 26 seconds at the beginning of the recording.

Rights: Copyright (c) Maskarinec, Gregory G.
Freely accessible



House Binding Mantra 2 / घर बान्ने मन्तर २

Langue / Language Nepali (nep)
Fichier(s) d'annotation(s): Ancienne cote: crdo-NEP_HOUSE2doi:10.24397/PANGLOSS-0004119
Participant(s): Maskarinec, Gregory G. (researcher)
Michailovsky, Boyd (depositor)
Poudel, Keshav (research_participant)
Agence Nationale de la Recherche ANR-06-CORP-030-01 (sponsor)
American Philosophical Society (sponsor)
Wenner-Gren Foundation (sponsor)
Description(s): (en)A mantra for house-protection, from the Bhuji Khola, Baglung District, Nepal. The shaman, Ḍalle Kāmī, was a student of Deorām Kāmī.
Rights: Copyright (c) Maskarinec, Gregory
Freely accessible