Note 558:

Remarks on blood drinking (toyo khāne):

Text V1.N558.T1

हामी पुनी मान्या, तोयो खाने बेला ति, एउटा हाम्रो देउता पनि छुट्टा छुट्टै हुन्छ, कसैले यो सुँगुर खाने देउता हुन्छ, कसैले यो बाख्रो खाने देउता हुन्छ, कसैले यो भेडो खाने देउता हुन्छ, आफ्नो आफ्नो कुलमा आफ्नो आफ्नो देउता मानिन्छ, मान्दाखेरिमा, यो कुलमा जब, हामी पुनी मान्ने बेला सबै सरसामान जुटायौं, एउटा सल्लाको टुप्पा, यो अघिदेखि जुम्रातमले माग्या, यो सल्लाको टुप्पा काटेर त्यो ल्याएँ, वरपर खामा गाड्यो र एउटा बलो हाल्यो, र सल्लाको एउटा मौलो गाड्यो र त्यहाँबाट भएको नौ टपरा लगायो, नौ टपरामाथि, त्यो फलफूल, केरा, रोटी, सब बनायो, र हामीमाथि हाल्यो, त्योमाथि हाल्दा अब साँझबाट यो झाङ्ग्री बस्ने मेलो गर्‍यौं, गर्दाखेरिमा, त्यहाँबाट तिलागरमको धूरमा उक्सियौं, तिलागरमको धूरमा उक्सनासाथ, सल्लोको टुप्पामा गयौं र त्यो साँर टुप्पैमा काट्यौं र तल जल राख्नुपर्‍यो, जलमा अक्षता हाल्नुपर्‍यो, एउटा पैसा हाल्नु पर्‍यो, र त्यो लागूमाथिवाट के किसिमको देखिन्छ, कस्तो किसिमको लागू देखिन्छ, त्यो लागू देखियो भने त्यही अनुसारसित हामीले यो बेदनको यो रहेछ त यो व्यवस्थाको यो हो भनी जल अनुसार लागू हामी छुट्टयाउँछौं, छायाबाट।
When we respect the full moon, at the time when we do blood consuming, each one of our spirits is separate. Some are pig-eating spirits, some are goat-eating spirits, some are sheep-eating spirits, each family line respects its own spirits. Respecting them, in this family line, then, at the time that we respect the full moon, we assemble all our equipment, the top of a pine tree, just as from before Jumrātam requested, cutting the top of this pine tree, bringing that, we plant it as a beam, and we put in a blood sacrifice, and make the pine into a sacrificial pole, from there we prepare nine leaf dishes, atop the nine dishes, flowers, fruits, bananas, breads, we get everything ready, and we put it above, after putting it above, now, in the evening, we do a shaman session even, doing it, from there we rise up in the Tilāgaram Story, while rising in the Tilāgaram story, we climb to the top of the pine, and there at the top, we cut an animal, you must put liquid at the bottom. You must throw rice grains into the liquid, you must put a coin in, and the affecting agent (lāgu), from above, what kinds do you see, which kinds of affecting agents, when you see that affecting agent, according to that, we decide which techniques, in this situation it's like this, saying, according to the liquid we identify the afflicting agent, from the shadow.