Note 369:

Signs of a child's crisis star obstruction.

Text V1.N369.T1

खड्गो गौंडा परेको लक्षण
Signs of a child's crisis star obstruction

पहिला कुरकुच्चामा हेर्दाखेरि, कुरकुच्चो खिएको, हातको औंला खिएको, भयो भने, यो बच्चाको खड्गो भयो, भनेर नौ रुखको पात र नौ मूलको पानी उल्टा सुल्टा भरेर जोर जम्मा गरी, त्यो बच्चा जन्मेको दिन भेटाइकन, त्यही दिनमा खड्गो फाल्नुपर्छ।
First, looking at the heels, if the heels have withered, if the fingers of the hands have withered, then, "This child has a crisis," having said that, the leaves of nine trees, and the water of nine springs, mixing them this way and that, taking them all together, when you have reached that child's day of birth, on that day you must cast off the crisis.

Technique for casting off a child's crisis.

Text V1.N369.T2

यदि बच्चाको खड्गो आएको छ र खड्गो फाल्नु परेमा, खोलाको चोखो पानी (उल्टो र सुल्टो पानी), नौ रुखको पात, त्यसैसँग सँगसँगै सातो बोलाउने भन्यौ, हामी फेरि फुगो धागो नौ सरे, एउटा चल्लो, टपरी लगाएर अबीर, रङ्ग, ल्वाङ, सुपारी त्यो सबै टपरीमा राखेर बत्ती बाल्यौं। एउटा चल्लाले झार्न लाग्यौं।
When a child's crisis has arrived and you want to cast it off, get pure river water (both straight flowing and backward flowing water), the leaves of nine trees, mixing that all together, you must call back the soul. Then we take nine strands of a thin thread, one chick, taking a leaf dish, red powder, color, cloves, betel nut, putting all of that in the leaf dish, we burn an oil lamp. You must recite over the chick. [The text to be used is one against witches: III.19š1.]