Note 298:

ālaṅwarī khelyā, mālaṅwarī khelyā As suggested earlier, this line may imply that the shaman is possessed by ƒĀlagyānī and Mālagyānī; in context it refers to his rushing about this way and that; further, since shamans call their equipment ālmāl, being in full costume at the time is also implied here.299rakamsakam (variant, rakānṭhekān) "Property, wealth," but compare rakam "Kind, sort, manner, way" (Turner 1980:525, from Arabic) and ṭhekān "Order, arrangement, method, plan; regularity, certainty" (Turner 1980:253). Hence, the compound also suggests "to introduce order." However, note the parallel in I.20 where the phrase is bhog dinchu, "I give in sacrifice."